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Wednesday 13 February 2019

Top 15 New Teacher Student Jokes in English

Teacher Student Jokes in English

Teacher Student Jokes is a collection of funny school jokes, academic jokes and funny content about fools and teachers. Some jokes are from the mouths of children; Their innocent questions and answers bring a smile while others are silly and stupid about the students who answer.
Teacher Student Jokes in English
In each student's English small jokes, you can share these funny shayari jokes with your friends on social networking sites like Facebook Twitter, Whatsappetkar: Can someone give me an example of "COINCIDENCE"?
PAPPU: Sir, my mom and dad married on the same day, at the same time. "
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Teacher: Pappu, how do you spell "crocodile"?
Teacher: No, this is wrong.
PAPPU: Maybe it's wrong but you asked me how I understood it.
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Teacher: Pappu, tell me clearly that do you pray before eating?
PAPPU: No sir, I do not have to, my mother is a good cock.
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Teacher: Pappu, your creation on "My Dog" is exactly like your brother. Did you duplicate it?
PAPPU: No, teacher, this is the same dog.
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Teacher: What are some of the West Indies products?
Students: I do not know.
Teacher: Of course, you do. Where do you get sugar?
Students: We borrow it from our neighbors.
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Teacher: Can you please pay a little attention here?
Student: Yes, I am paying as little as I can. !!
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An E.N.T Professor retired from college. In the farewell college faculty
She presented him with a silver ear.
Thanking the faculty, Professor said: "Thank God that I am not a gynecologist."
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Student 1: Do you want to hear a dirty joke?
Student 2: OK
Student 1: A white horse fell into the mud.
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Teacher: "Who can tell me what is 7 times 6?"
Student: "This is 42 mam!"
Teacher: "Great, and who will tell me what 6 times 7 is?"
The same student: "It's 24 mam."
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Two students were talking:
First: Do you know what snake's favorite subject is?
Second: No, you tell.
First: Histostry !!!
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Teacher: Who will tell the chemical formula of water?
One student: its "h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o."
Teacher: What is this?
Student: Mam, yesterday you told us that this is O from H !!
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Jazzy: My dad is pregnant, I'm brother soon.
Teacher: How can this happen? it's not possible.
Jazzy: My mother had a pain in the stomach last month, because I had a younger sister, now my father is going through the same pain !!!
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Teacher: From where did the foreigner rule us?
STUDENT: I'm not sure but I think the pages 50 to 55 ...
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Jokes on teacher-student ..
Teacher: If you want to make your character good, then call all the women 'mother'.
Student: Good who will make my character good, but what will happen to my father?
Two cow stands in a field.
One says to each other, "Are you worried about Mad Cow disease?"
The second says, "No, this is not my concern, I am a horse!"
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Man: How can you tell if someone is happy?
Woman: Who cares?!

So these were some teachers and funny jokes of the students. Hope you like it.

Teacher Student Joke.

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